- orphan
Years in Review
When God called me to give my testimony there was a specific day where He clearly told me to not look back! He wasn’t saying never look back because there are definitely times He wants us to look back. God is so […]
A voice from a real orphan, her struggles and how Jesus Christ restored her soul.
When God called me to give my testimony there was a specific day where He clearly told me to not look back! He wasn’t saying never look back because there are definitely times He wants us to look back. God is so […]
I got a text yesterday “Alison, you have been on my heart and I have been praying for you. How are you doing?” I thought about the envelope stuffed full of circus tickets I had opened earlier that day. I wasn’t able […]
The photo of these crosses was captured at Willow Creek Community Church on the corner of Algonquin Rd and Barrington Rd in South Barrington, Illinois. The crosses have been removed and there are now pine trees in their place. 1 Peter 5:7 When […]
When I was engaged to my husband I used to do construction work with my husband and my father-in-law. Sometimes when my father-in-law would go to get materials he would take me with him. It was during these times that he would […]
I haven’t really given much of an update about how I’m doing physically since my surgery. Perhaps that’s because I wish I had some kind of great report to give, but I don’t. I’ve had a really rocky recovery and there are […]
One of the most challenging obstacles that I’ve encountered as a result of telling my story is that people in my life who think they know the story have twisted it. I have been confessing and owning my sins as the […]
When I’m out in nature I love to stop and take pictures of the flowers in bloom. It’s healing to my soul. When I get up close I can see God’s fingerprints all over his creation. Some days my prayers feel a […]
I sat down to work on a blog post the other day and after five and a half hours I felt like I hadn’t accomplished anything. It’s frustrating when I show up per God’s request and He doesn’t let the words flow […]
Two days before Christmas I received a phone call from an old friend and mentor, Mrs. H. God had been pressing me to get in touch with her to tell her about some things and I was struggling to obey his prompting. […]
No, no! I don’t want to go! That is what my heart has cried out to the Lord more times than I can count. Inevitably, it has become a goal for me to discipline the obstinant girl inside of me that doesn’t […]