Adventure Fund

I don’t write and speak for money, and at the same time, this ministry does come at a price. When God called me to write and speak he also called me to donate blood. After a few years of donating blood, I was turned away one day, for not having a high enough iron level. I went home and cried. My husband wanted to know what was wrong, I told him.

“God asked me to donate blood, and I can’t do it. I’ve failed!” My husband was quick to point out that God’s doesn’t need my help. I’m embarrassed to say, this had never occurred to me. I’ve learned God doesn’t need my help, but he does use willing people.

It’s not easy to ask for money. I had a friend suggest I make a donate button for my blog, and I finally came to this conclusion. I needed to learn how to humble myself and ask. Would you donate to my adventure fund? If you are able and willing to make a donation to help support me being an advocate for orphans and vulnerable children, I would really appreciate it.

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. Luke 12:33

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An Orphan's Battleground

Adventure Fund

Donation Total: $25.00