One Person, Loving One Person, Makes All The Difference
Two days before Christmas I received a phone call from an old friend and mentor, Mrs. H. God had been pressing me to get in touch with her to tell her about some things and I was struggling to obey his prompting. The topic was of a difficult nature and I felt it would be best in person.
Covid makes things complicated. My friend is in her 80’s and I didn’t want to inadvertently expose her to this virus. At the same time I just couldn’t imagine the conversation taking place in her snow filled front yard. I made these points to God and asked Him to make it abundantly clear what He wanted me to do. I was willing to drive to her house, but I asked if the conversation could happen over the phone.
It didn’t surprise me when my phone started to ring and I saw her name on the caller ID. I told her all about how God wanted me to talk to her and we got right into it.
A few things to note. Mrs H loved me in such an extraordinary way after my mother died, that if I could hand out a military Purple Heart, she would get one. I didn’t know it back then, but I understand now that the LORD’s warriors do not leave this world unscathed. We get wounded and scarred just like Jesus did.

She loved me and mentored me at a critical time in my life despite what it cost her. Mentors matter and without her love, I would not have made it. One person, loving one person can make all the difference
The road is narrow when you pick up your cross and follow Jesus. For a season I was stripped of all contact with with one of my most very favorite people on this planet. When God walked me down a leg of my journey without Mrs H, I cried like a baby. So when after several years we reconnected, I wanted to be very careful not to do anything that would ever disconnect her from me again.
Safe people are people who won’t beat you up for telling the truth, especially when that truth is unpleasant. God wanted me to tell her about a time where she hurt me. But I didn’t want to do it. I was afraid that if I told her, she would leave. I tried to reason with God about it. I told Him she was old and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings (which is true). For me, it was in the past and I just didn’t see the point in re-hashing it. But when God convicts me, I am compelled to act on it, otherwise I have no peace.
What happened that day was beautiful. I told her my perspective about what had happened and how I had gotten hurt. She received what I had to say. We discussed it thoroughly, apologies were made on both our parts. Forgiveness and reconciliation flowed back and forth between us like two butterflies dancing in a garden. It felt right and beautiful and I am so thankful God urged us to connect. God made us to be fully known and loved.
Do you have a safe person who loves you? Are you a safe person?
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. Psalm 82:3-4