What I Want To Get Out of Telling My Story
Sometimes I log into my blog and jot down a few notes and save a photo because I know I’m going to want to come back to write about it. Today as I sat down to work I saw this post here titled “What I Want To Get Out of Telling My Story.” I opened it up and there were just three points.
- Obedience
- Overcome
- Salvation of Souls
I’m a straight shooter and I’d say that seems pretty accurate to me. I want to obey the call the Lord put on my life. I want to overcome and today it felt like evil was pressing in on me. Most of all, I want my family and friends to know Jesus and one day be with me in heaven. The reasons are really that simple.
I needed the reminder today because I’m tired. Warfare is no joke and we are truly suffering over here.
I don’t need to tell you everything but I will say I took a trip to the hospital in early July because I was hemorrhaging. There’s nothing like giving my testimony unexpectedly to paramedics on the way to the hospital.
Over the weekend I had conversations with police officers that I didn’t know were going to happen. I really appreciate the police. No one should be afraid to call in the strong arm of the law.
Then yesterday I had to dial 911 for help. This time it was for a family member. I never know what the day is going to bring. I was so relieved when I saw the flashing lights heading towards us. Help was on the way!
A red vehicle pulled up that said incident command on the side. The first man I saw was Chief Christian. I think one of the first things out of my mouth was, “I love your name!” (That was a little embarrassing).
Fortunately we did not have to go to the hospital. When everything was over I discovered that I had lost my car key. I was asked to describe my keys to the people who were helping me search. I said, “There is a wooden keychain attached that says,
‘GOOD MORNING This is God.
I will be HANDLING ALL YOUR problems today.’
the other keychain says
‘Make a Difference Today!’
Just describing these reminders made me feel better and that was long before the keys turned up. I have a lot of problems and I for one am so very thankful that the Lord can handle them all.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21