When Your Bed Ends Up In The Dining Room

When life starts to get chaotic I know the enemy has gotten in.  When Covid hit our family it came hard and heavy. I was down for the count and I honestly didn’t know if I was going to live through it.  Somewhere near the end of a month of endless coughing, fevers, night sweats, body aches and all of the woes that went with Covid, one of my daughters came and sat on the the foot of my bed.  She and her sister wanted to switch bedrooms with my husband and I.  Somehow in my delirium I agreed to it as long as it was okay with my husband.

Before I knew it my bed was in the dining room and the dressers were pushed into the middle of the room so that it could be painted for my girls.  In record time the painting was completed, our dressers were pushed out and their furniture was moved in.  That was about the time that I started making the connection that my bedroom furniture was not going to fit into my new bedroom.  In fact my new bedroom is so small my bed takes up almost the entire room.Somehow all of my clothes ended up in my office.  They were hanging from a clothing rack in front of my door and I had to duck under them to get in my office.  My mind was reeling. I could scarcely believe the chaos.  I laughed and joked through parts of it and started calling my office “The Wardrobe” as if I were going into Narnia from the book “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.”  But other times I felt so frustrated that I wrestled with anger and tears.

I’m trying to do my work.  I’m trying to face my pain.  This post was birthed tonight because I am wrestling deep in my soul.  Our home cluttered and in the middle of life’s messy situations it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  But it will not always be this way.  The Lord is fighting this battle for me and my family.  He has helped me understand that this chaos is not who we are.  At the root of the clutter there is very real trauma.    It feels unfair to me that people on the outside don’t know the whole truth.

Tonight I understand that someone out there needs a life giving word.  You are feeling discouraged.  You cannot see through the storm and it feels like it’s never going to end.  But the truth is that this too shall pass.  God is able to clean up the messiest situations.  God is bigger than our problems.  He has solutions better than we could ever ask for or imagine.  Wait for it. Yes this is hard, yes this is stretching, but wait for it!  God is faithful!Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


End of Life

December 16, 2023


December 25, 2023